Music by type [Genre], Artist & CD information as of 05-25-21
CDs by artist that became popular before the 50s, updated 03-29-23
Artist that became popular in the 50s updated 02-06-23
Artist that became popular in the 60s updated 02-06-23
CDs by Artist that became popular in the 70s, updated 05-26-23
CDs by Artist that became popular in the 80s, updated 05-26-23
Artist that became popular in the 90s updated 02-06-23
Artist that became popular in the 2000s, updated 05-26-23
Artist that became popular in the 2010s, updated 02-06-23
Artist without a date that they became popular updated 02-05-23
Music type [Genre] 1ST Posting
CDs by Big Band, Swing Artist, updated 03-29-23
CDs by Country Artists updated 08-18-24.
CDs by different types of Dance artist, Dance, Dance Pop & Dancehall, updated 02-26-23
CDs by various types of Hip-Hop artist updated 04-29-24.
CDs by Various Hip Hop Artist updated 01-21-24
CDs by Indie – Alternative Artists, including Latin updated 05-26-23
CDs by Miscellaneous artist, updated 02-28-23
CDs by different types of Rock artist updated 02-28-23
CDs by R&B Artist updated 04-29-24.
CDs by various R&B Artist 01-14-24.
CDs by Soul Artist updated 04-29-24.
CDs by various Soul Artists updated 01-20-24.
CDs by groups [Genre] that are small, updated 12-29-21
CDs by Various Bachata, Boleros, Merengue & Salsa Artist updated 02-28-24.
CDs by Contemporary Pop Artist, Retrospective Pop Artist, and World Pop Artist updated 04-07-22
CDs with various artist of the 50s updated 09-11-22
CDs with various artist of the 70s, updated 05-26-23